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Cross-Border Faculty Guide to the Library

Library Liaisons for SNU and Sias Programs

Contacting Forsyth Library

Forsyth Library has a research help service, called Ask a Librarian, that can provide timely assistance in the mornings and evenings, given the overseas time difference. To see the current research help hours look at the black sidebar on the library website.

Refer to the time table below, to know when the live chat service is most likely to be available on the library website. (In Hays, KS CDT is observed between March-November and CST is observed between November-March.) When the live chat is not available, you may need to submit a question via email or use the contact form below. Your questions will be answered as soon as possible, but keep in mind that it may be the next business day.

Central Standard Time

Time Change Hays to China March-Nov

For Faculty: Library Liaisons

Forsyth Library assigns liaisons to each area of discipline. For the academic programs at SNU and Sias, the following librarians are your main contacts. View the full list of Forsyth Library Liaisons

Academic Program
Library Liaison
Contact Information


Claire Nickerson
Computer Science Jennifer Sauer
English Heather VanDyne
Health and Human Performance Cyndi Landis
Informatics Heather VanDyne
Leadership Claire Nickerson
Philosophy Brian Gribben

For Students: Contact Form

The contact form on this bilingual research guide is the best method for students in China to Ask a Librarian for research help, given the time difference and technical barriers of providing this service internationally.