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Chinese/English Library Guide / 双语图书馆指南

Bilingual research guide about how to search the library, cite sources, and avoid plagiarism with Chinese translations.

联系表格 / Contact Form

馆际互借 / Interlibrary Loan

如果图书馆无法立即访问您要用于研究的内容,则可以通过馆际互借获得该文章。 以下是说明如何使用馆际互借的教程。

If the library does not have immediate access to what you want to use for your research, you can get the article through interlibrary loan. Below is a tutorial explaining how to use interlibrary loan.

百度 / Baidu

This video was created by Professor Neil Mulka to help students in China find scholarly articles using Baidu Xueshu.

While you are searching Baidu Xueshu, you'll notice article titles and abstracts. An abstract is a brief summary of the article and its results. Sometimes the title of an article is misleading and the abstract will provide you with enough information for you to decide whether or not to keep searching. For more information about reading a scholarly article, watch this tutorial.

FHSU信息技术系统的用户名及密码 / Activating Your TigerNetID (FHSU Login)

Activating Your TigerNetID

FHSU信息技术系统的用户名及密码 / Resetting Your TigerNetID (FHSU Login)

Resetting Your TigerNetID

Ask for Help

If you have any questions about activating or resetting your TigerNetID, please contact Michael Leibold and he can help.