Avoiding PlagiarismThis video discusses plagiarism and how to avoid it when using and citing resources, including:
Citation and Documentation StylesThis guide provides resources you can find at Forsyth Library and online, as well as a quick guide to the types of sources most often cited for the following styles:
Citation Management and Citation TracingThis video discusses citation management and citation tracing when searching for sources, including:
APA Citation Game: Reference ListThis interactive tutorial is designed to help students write APA citations for journal articles, e-books, book chapters, news articles, and encyclopedia articles.
APA Citation Game: In-Text CitationsThis interactive tutorial is designed to help students write in-text citations in APA style, including works by multiple authors, no date, organization authors, multiple articles, and more.
What is Plagiarism? / 什么是抄袭?This bilingual video discusses plagiarism:
Paraphrasing / 改写This bilingual video discusses paraphrasing: