Times Talk Topics:Water Footprint

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Water Shortage: A 2010 in-depth report from CQ Researcher database.

Tap Water Quality: A 2010 report from the Facts On File/Issues & Controversies database.    

     By the Numbers: Tap Water Quality.  Statistics from the above report.

Water Privatization: A  2002 report from the Facts On File/Issues & Controversies database.

McInnis, D.  (2011).  Water here, water there, and less and less to drink: Addressing water scarcity and water quality.  Cornell Enterprise Online.

Recommended by presenter Kristin Tardif:

Posts to the NY Times' "Green" blog:

Azadeh Ensha. (2009, March 24).  Tracking the Water Footprint[blog post].

James Kanter. (2009, April 14). From Carbon Footprints to Water Footprints [blog post].

Post to the NY Times' "City Room" blog:

Ted Botha.  (2011, August 1).  Complaint Box:  Water Wasters [blog post].

Web Sites

WaterFootprint.org "The water footprint of an individual, community or business is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual or community or produced by the business."  This site provides a wealth of information on this concept, and how to calculate your own "water footprint".

Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

The Nature Conservancy Rivers and Lakes Initiative

     Nature Conservancy Carbon Footprint Calculator

Human Impact on the Environment Video from YouTube

The World Water Forum

Government Documents Online

Water Security: National and Global Issues.  (2010).  U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 4 pages.

Healy, R. W. (2007).  Water budgets: foundations for effective water-resources and environmental management. U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geographical Survey. 103 pages.