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Lynn Haggard Undergraduate Library Research Award

This is the submission guide for the Lynn Haggard Undergraduate Library Research Award scholarship. This guide includes submission guidelines and a link to the submission form


Submissions close on March 28, 2025. The winner will be notified by email in Mid-April 2025.


The Lynn Haggard Undergraduate Library Research Award recognizes excellence in undergraduate research that incorporates the use of Forsyth Library resources and demonstrates sophisticated information literacy skills. Information Literacy is defined as the ability to find, evaluate, and use information.

The student award winner will receive a cash prize ($1,000), and will have their work featured in the FHSU Scholars Repository.

If you have questions about the award or submission process, please contact the award committee at


Applicants must:

  • be enrolled as an undergraduate student at Fort Hays State University at the time of project completion
  • have completed the research project or paper in conjunction with an FHSU for-credit course or an FHSU Undergraduate Research or Scholarly Activity during the eligibility period. (Spring 2023 - Spring 2024)

All disciplines are welcome.

Submissions must include all of the following components:

  1. Online application form
  2. 500-750 word reflective essay
  3. Bibliography
  4. Faculty support form

See the full submission guidelines for complete details.