After your summary, assess the information resource.
This provides information on why this information is good information.
Try to answer these questions:
1. Citation:
Newman, P.A., Fantus, S., Woodford, M.R., Rwigema, M. (2017). “Pray that God will change you”: The religious social ecology of bias-based bullying targeting sexual and gender minority youth—A qualitative study of service providers and educators. Journal of Adolescent Research, 33(5), 523-548.
2. Summary:
This study, which concludes that religion plays a role in homophobia, documents bullying trends towards LGBTQ+ teens in Canada through interviews with teachers and therapists.
3. Assess:
This peer-reviewed article presented the results of the well-designed, though small, study which collected data from a diverse population of service providers and used accepted methods to ensure the quality of the data. The Journal of Adolescent Research is well-respected within the field.
Note that annotations are written as one cohesive paragraph. Headings are provided in this example for clarity.