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SOC 311: Feminist Theory (Christy Craig)

This guide will walk you through the research process on how to find scholarly, sociology articles related to feminist theory. It includes the major sociology journals on women studies, citation instruction, how to read scholarly articles, and how to deve


A correctly formatted annotation contains all four elements, is a single cohesive paragraph without headings, and has a hanging indent. 

correct annotation example

Sample Annotation


Newman, P.A., Fantus, S., Woodford, M.R., Rwigema, M. (2017). “Pray that God will change you”: The religious social ecology

of  bias-based bullying targeting sexual and gender minority youth—A qualitative study of service providers and

educators. Journal of Adolescent Research, 33(5), 523-548.

This study, which concludes that religion plays a role in homophobia, documents bullying trends towards LGBTQ+ teens in

Canada through interviews with teachers and therapists. The authors are experts in the fields of sociology and gender

studies. This peer-reviewed article presented the results of the well-designed, though small, study which collected data from a

diverse population of service providers and used accepted methods to ensure the quality of the data. The Journal of

Adolescent Research is well-respected within the field. The information in this study which connects religious faith to

homophobic bullying supports the argument that LGBTQ+ teens of faith may suffer mental health consequences if they

choose to stay in the church.


Formatting with Historical Primary Sources

Typically, when formatting a historical annotated bibliography, primary and secondary sources are separated into two sections. 

If you are using the Notes/Bibliography type of  Chicago Style, authors may add their annotations within the footnotes or endnotes. Check with your instructor if annotations should be included in your footnotes or endnotes.