The links below are guaranteed to have scholarly sources related to your topic.
Hover your mouse over the for a description of the resource.
Scholarly Journals
A multi-disciplinary database that provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including approximately 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. Useful for nearly any research topic.
Citations/abstracts and some full-text articles from high-impact, peer-reviewed bioscience journals and bulletins in plant science, animal science, entomology, wildlife management, biology, chemistry and more, published by the American Institute of Biological Sciences and closely related organizations.
Library Resources
Can't I just Google it?
This video will help you understand why you should be searching for scholarly sources at Forsyth Library instead of out in the wild.
What is a database anyway?
This video will help you understand what a library database is and how it is different than a search engine you find on the internet.