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FHSU Scholars Repository

Find information on how to submit your work to the FHSU Scholars Repository.

Who Can Submit and When?

Students who have completed full review by the Graduate School of their thesis/field study, and made all necessary changes, may submit the final draft for publication. The Graduate School must approve of document prior to submission.

Please read through all instructions before submitting your thesis.

How to Submit Your Thesis

You will need to use a computer to successfully complete this process!

Files Submitted Must Meet the Following Guidelines

  • ​The first page must be signed by the the thesis chair and graduate dean. *this step is not required for MFA students*
  • The signed author agreement must be included as the last page of the document. 

Go to the thesis submission area of the FHSU Scholars Repository and follow the steps to create an account.

Once logged in, accept the terms of the submission agreement and click continue. You will be taken to the submission form.

Required Information

Title: Enter the full title of your thesis using Headline Capitalization. Do not use all caps and do not put quotes around your title.

Author: Enter an email address that you will be using after graduation so you can receive author updates about the usage of your thesis. Enter your name exactly as it is on your thesis. Institution must be Fort Hays State University.

Date of Award: Choose the semester (fall, spring, summer) from the drop down and enter the year as YYYY.

Degree Name: Select your degree from the dropdown menu.

Department: Select your department from the dropdown menu.

Advisor: Enter the title and name of your thesis advisor. (Example: Dr. Lyman Wooster)

Keywords: Enter up to five keywords or phrases, separated by commas. Do not use words that appear in your title or abstract. Examples include geographical locations, scientific terms, technologies used, or other concepts related to your thesis that will help searchers find your work.

Subject Categories: Select your required subject categories. You may select more than one subject category but you *must* include the required category.

Abstract: Copy and paste your thesis abstract here. MFA students will copy and paste their artist's statement.

Upload Full Text: Save your original document as a PDF. To locate your file, click the "Browse" button to locate your manuscript on your computer. Your file must meet the requirements listed above in order to be accepted.

Click Submit

How do I know my "required subject categories"?

The document linked below will tell you which subject categories are required for your department. You may choose more than one, but you *must* include the listed required category.

Selecting Keywords

Keywords help the discovery of your document. When you submit your thesis, search engines will be indexing your abstract. While the document itself is text searchable, good keywords help users find your thesis. When you select keywords, you want to provide words or phrases that are not in your abstract. The words and phrases in your abstract are already searchable and keywords are in addition to the abstract. You can choose to include geographical locations, scientific terms, technologies used, or other concepts related to your thesis that will help searchers find your work. If you use the scientific term for a plant or an animal in your abstract, include the laymen's term as a keyword. If you are having troubles determining what keywords to use, search the library catalog for topics in your thesis and see what other terms may be related. Good keywords are another important piece of the discovery process.

Thesis Binding
As of Fall 2019, Forsyth Library no longer handles binding orders for Masters Theses. If you would like a bound copy of your thesis you may order directly from Houchen Bindery. Traditionally, FHSU has used the following standards for bound theses:
  • Size: 8.5x11 Portrait
  • Double-sided Printing
  • Cover Color: Black
  • Stamping Color: Gold

Be sure to consult the Houchen FAQ for more information. If you have further questions you may contact Houchen at 1-800-869-0420.

What if I have questions?

If you have questions regarding the thesis submission process, please contact your degree analyst at the Graduate School.

  • Bonnie Werth, Degree Analyst (last names beginning with A-L)
  • Craig McGuire, Degree Analyst (last names beginning with M-Z)

If you have questions regarding the FHSU Scholars Repository please contact the FHSU Scholars Repository.