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SOCW 380: Foundations of Practice

Renovation Update

Due to renovation construction, there will be limited access to the library building beginning August 19, 2024.

Finding Peer-Reviewed Articles

Note: All the databases listed below are Ebscohost databases and can be searched in combination. Click "Choose Databases" at the top of the screen, and select the databases you'd like to search.  This can save you time and increase your results.

Limit your results to Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed and Full-Text to find peer-reviewed articles you can read online.

How to quickly find the main points of an article

When you're going through lots of articles trying to choose one for your assignment, here's an efficient way to quickly get the essentials. Of course, once you choose an article, read it all the way through before critiquing it ;-)

Don’t be afraid to jump around: Scholarly articles don't have to be read like a book, paragraph by paragraph, line by line. It's ok to skim and scan! 

Read the abstract first: It summarizes the entire article, making it easier to judge whether it is relevant.

Next, read the introduction and conclusion: Learn more about the topic of study and what the authors found out in the process.  If you're still interested in the article

  • Take a look at the tables, charts and graphs: Get a better idea of the results of the research or analytical study. 
  • Mark it up: Engage with your source! Take notes, highlight important sections. Look for what is missing as well as what is there. 
  • Find the sources: Consult the introduction and references for other potential sources to follow up on. 

How to Use Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan is a free service you can use to obtain items not owned by Forsyth Library, or to have our items mailed to you if you live too far away to come to the library.