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Learn how to use your e-card for accessing research databases, ebooks, and audiobooks.


How to Get a State Library of Kansas eCard

Contact or visit the Learning Commons Desk at Forsyth Library or visit any public library in Kansas to sign up for a library card for the State Library of Kansas. Cards are valid for 3 years.

Provide your:

  • First Name
  • Middle Initial
  • Last Name
  • Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)
  • Email (optional)

The databases and platforms provided by the State Library of Kansas either require a Kansas Library eCard number or a Kansas IP address to access them. So save your eCard number as a contact in your phone or somewhere you can easily access it.


Why You Should Get a State Library eCard

Online databases from the State Library of Kansas can supplement the public library, high school library, or other resources. State Library of Kansas resources provide a great foundation for high school students to use for research projects and papers in addition to providing modern platforms for reading popular titles as ebooks or audiobooks.

  What You're Looking For: Recommended Database:

Background Research

(Encyclopedias and Reference - think of these as scholarly Wikipedia)


(Research for current events and general topics)

Research Articles

(Peer-reviewed articles, magazines, reviews, and trade publications)


(Read popular and academic books from any device)


(Listen to books through a mobile app)




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State Library of Kansas

Learn More: Research Databases

Learn More: E-books & Audiobooks