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ENG 603: Technical and Professional Writing: Finding Reports, Demographics & Government Sources

This guide includes research tips and resources for students taking Technical Writing. Recommended resources include search databases, journals, e-books, webpages exhibiting gamification, and citation guides.

Finding Statistics

Demographic Resources


Visit the links below to gather demographic information

Searching Effectively with Google

Tips for Searching Google

  1. Search keyword(s) + Type of File + URL domain type: Locate PDF reports or publications by specific types of organizations (educational = .edu; non-governmental organization = .org; governmental organization = .gov)
    EX: "immigration process" filetype:pdf site:gov
  2. Search a keyword + Specific website or domain: Search any page containing the keyword on a specific site
    EX: "immigration process" site:
  3. “Use Quotations Around Phrases”
    EX: "art in rural schools"

Industry Reports

Industry Reports

Visit the research databases below to gather industry and company information

Federal Resources

Federal Resources

Government publications including statistics, reports, and other documents might provide helpful information for your feasibility study.