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BIOL 805: Professional Scientific Communication (Da Silva Carvalho)

This guide is specific to students taking BIOL805: Professional Scientific Communication taught by Medhavi Ambardar.

What if I can't find anything on my topic?

If you have searched for your topic and you aren't finding what you're looking for, you may need to refine your search. These videos can help you craft your search, find full-text resources for your project, and help you request items you can't find in the library.

What words should I search for?

This video can help you figure out which words you should search for to find sources that fit your topic.

How do I find what I'm really looking for?

You may already know how to do a keyword search, but advanced searching can help you find even better sources for your topic.

How do I find full-text articles?

Most of the time, you will want access to the full-text of a source you've found. This video can help you find full-text sources available through the library

What if the library doesn't have access to what I need?

If you've found something you want, but the library doesn't have access to it, you can request the library for free through interlibrary loan.