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Anti-Racism Resources

About These Resources

The resources here are intended to help educators at all levels to incorporate anti-racism and representative history into their classrooms. Resources may include Forsyth Library materials, Websites, Articles, Podcasts, Videos, Crowdsourced Resources, Lesson Plans, and Teaching Strategies.

Hover your mouse over the undefined for a description of the resource.

For resources about history, research, and scholarly writing on racism and anti-racism in Education, see the Anti-Racism Research section. Some material is listed in multiple places. 

Anti-Racism Teaching Strategies

Strategies for integrating anti-racism into your classroom:

  • Reflect on your position. Consider your own privilege, power, and perceptions, as well as your own implicit biases. Work to develop empathy and self-awareness. Use your position to encourage and promote BIPOC colleagues and students. 
  • Acknowledge current events and students' trauma.  BIPOC communities have witnessed violence against them, either directly or through the media. Don't ignore discussing these events and racism with your students. Incorporate trauma-informed pedagogy into your teaching practices. 
  • Address racism when and where it occurs.  Train yourself to recognize and acknowledge microaggressions in your classroom. Examine disciplinary, pedagogical, and administrative practices and policies for institutional racism and work to change them. Build partnerships and encourage others to act. 
  • Incorporate issues of race and representative history into all disciplines. Integrate diverse cultures and peoples into your curriculum, including readings, case studies, activities, and class examples. Analyze the core of your discipline for homogeneity and legacies of racism and colonialism. 
  • Use inclusive teaching and grading practices. Intentionally design learning opportunities to achieve more equity in classroom and small group discussions, norm-based grading, and surveying students. 

Summarized from these sources:

Anti-Racism Curriculum Resources

Anti-Racism Discipline Resources

Crowd-Sourced Resources