Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service provided to FHSU faculty, staff, and students. If you need a book, article or other item to which Forsyth Library does not have access, you can use ILL to request it from another library.
What can be borrowed?
Journal articles (both print and digital), print books, audiovisual materials, microforms, theses and dissertations.
What cannot be borrowed?
Textbooks, E-Books, some reference works such as encyclopedias.
Online Students
As an online student, you can use ILL to request items physically located at Forsyth Library to be mailed to you. You can also use ILL to borrow electronic or physical materials from other libraries. Physical items will be mailed to your personal address but you are responsible for paying return shipping.
View the examples in the box below of instances when you should use ILL.
Below are a few tips for completing the ILL Request Form.
If you forget your password, you will need to contact the Interlibrary Loan office at 785-628-4351 to get it reset. There is no "forgot my password" function in Illiad. If you know your password but want to change it, log in to Illiad, and use the options under Tools on the left.
This video discusses information about Forsyth Library's interlibrary loan service, including:
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