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Want some additional resource suggestions? Checkout the Agriculture subject guide for some additional database and website recommendations.
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Where can you find accurate and accessible agronomy information? This guide provides links to resources that you can use while you're a student at FHSU (research databases, scholarly sources, ebooks, etc) as well as key agronomy resources (websites, extension publications, etc.) that are accessible to anyone and you'll likely want to remember when you're out in the field.
You might want to do some background research in encyclopedias and reference materials to get some background information and develop some ideas for potential topics and keywords. These resources provide generally accepted knowledge about your topic and can help you gain a foundational understanding of it. As you develop your research topic, keep a list of keywords to use when searching databases. Try searching some of the reference resources listed below:
Reference e-books on a wide range of topics. Sources include dictionaries, encyclopedias, key concepts, key thinkers, handbooks, atlases, and more. Search by keyword or browse titles by topic.
Over 1200 cross-searchable reference e-books on a wide variety of subjects.
The databases below are specific to the field of agriculture.
➡ Time-saving Tip: Start with Agricola via Ebscohost and click "Choose Databases" at the top and check the box for "Academic Search Premier" and "General Science Full Text (H. W. Wilson)" and click OK to search three science/interdisciplinary databases at once.
A lot of agriculture research will appear in the general science databases to have a broader impact and reach.
Citations, abstracts and some full-text scholarly articles covering a wide range of science and health sciences topics. Quick search tutorial
Research in agriculture can take on an interdisciplinary approach blending business, other sciences, and/or a legal aspect to your topic. Some of the following databases may introduce a new angle to your topic.
ABI/INFORM Complete provides thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, and key newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times, as well as country and industry profiles. The database covers a wide range of business topics including accounting, finance, management, marketing and real estate.
HeinOnline is the world's largest fully searchable, image-based government document and legal research database. It contains comprehensive coverage from inception of U.S. statutory materials, U.S. Congressional Documents and more than 2,500 scholarly journals. HeinOnline provides topic specific databases including all of the world's constitutions, all U.S. treaties, collections of classic treatises and presidential documents, Criminal Justice, Religion and the Law, and Women and the Law among others. Full text of state and federal case law powered by Fastcase is included.
This interactive tutorial will walk you through the basic features of the Library Catalog.
The following websites are listed on the AGRI112 syllabus and are helpful resources for understanding crop science:
The following websites are listed on the AGRI112 Crop Management Plan assignment and are essential for completing a comprehensive crop management plan: